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Innovations in Healthcare, Hospital Management & Services, Education of the Medical Students, CME of the Physicians and the Training of the Medical Residents.
With the invention of the Internet and cell phone, a visionary idea came to Dr. Zia Uddin (President and Founder of TelemedEdu, USA, Inc.) about the combined use of these two communication tools in the healthcare. A poster was first time presented in 2000 at the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry at San Francisco, CA under the caption:
Quality Management in Point-of-Care Glucose Testing. POCT Internet Platform, Zia Uddin, PhD, Gary Ross, DO. Clin Chem 2000, 46(6): Suppl, p47, Abstract 22
We are one of the pioneers in the telemedicine-cloud based education of the medical residents and the CME of the physicians. We have also applied artificial intelligence in the improvement of healthcare. The following presentations exemplify our contribution beside the launching of the Monographs in Clinical Diagnosis (www.telemededu.org) and three books for the medical residents via Internet.
Telemedicine-cloud: Continuing Medical Education of the Primary Care Physicians in the Community Health Care Centers in America, George H. Shade, MD, Jade Burns, PhD, Kimberly Russell, MBA. Poster presentation at the meeting of the National Association of Community Health Centers Annual Community Health Institute, August 26-28, 2018, Orlando, Fl. Guest Speaker at the annual meeting of the Michigan Primary Care Association, July 23, 2018, Traverse City, MI.
Telemedicine-Cloud: Continuing Medical Education of the Primary Care Physicians in Michigan, Zia Uddin, PhD, George Shade, MD TelemedEdu, USA. Develops online CME and resident training. Kenneth Tucker, MD, Kimberly Russell, MBA, Zia Uddin, PhD. Updates & Innovations, St. John Providence, (Ascension) Winter 2017, p10. TelemedEdu, USA offers online CME and resident training. Zia Uddin, PhD, Guest Editorial, Macomb Medicus, September/October 2016, p3.
Physician Tool for Laboratory Testing, Zia Uddin, PhD, Diane Maennle, MD, Kimberly Russell, MBA. CAP Today, 2015, Volume 29, No.1, p53.
Lablinked software discloses diagnostic test costs. Zia Uddin, PhD. Diane Maennle, MD, Kimberly Russell, MBA. Updates & Innovations, St. John Providence (Ascension), Summer 2015, p4. Telehealth and Glucose Monitoring in Nursing Homes and Patient’s Residence. Kimberly Russell, MBA, Diane Maennle, MD, Zia Uddin, PhD. Speaker, Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering South east Michigan Humanitarian Technology Conference, July 17, 2015, Livonia, MI.
Telemedicine: One way to reduce Clostridium difficile infection in hospitals and long term care centers. Zia Uddin, PhD, Dianne Maennle, MD, Kimberly Russell, MBA. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, October 2015, Long Beach, CA.
Telehealth and Glucose monitoring in nursing homes and patient’s residence. Zia Uddin, PhD, Diane Maennle, MD, Kimberly Russell, MBA Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Permanent # B-265, July 2015, Atlanta, GA.
Desire to stem laboratory test overuse leads to software development. Zia Uddin, PhD, Diane Maennle, MD, Kimberly Russell, MBA. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry, Permanent # B-387, July 2015, Atlanta, GA.
Too big to fail - lessons learned after a catastrophic information failure. Martha Higgins, MD, Kimberly Russell, MBA. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Pathologists, October 24, 2014, Orlando, Fl.
Computer program for monitoring disease status in multiple myeloma with serum Free kappa and Free lambda chains. Kenneth Tucker, MD, Zia Uddin, PhD, Gary Ross, DO. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry, 2006; 52(6). Suppl pA 154, Abstract D-137, Chicago, IL.
Information Technology Partner:
- Fortutec LLC
Chief Executive Officer:
Kimberly R. Russell, MBA, SBB(ASCP)
Anthony Hawkins, CPA
Legal Counsel:
Glen Forbis, JD, BE, Esquire
Financial Advisor:
Mark O'Donnell, MBA
Chief Operating Officer:
Jennifer Miller
Citizen Bank,
Long Lake & Livernois,
Troy, MI 48098
Registration Details:
- Michigan Corporate Identification No. 800939687
- Michigan Business Taxes Registration No. 45-1056028
- Michigan Charitable Solicitation Registration No. 53672
- Federal Employer I.D. No. 47-3620670
- Federal Income Tax Exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3)
- DLN No. 260 535 6600 3025
- Dunn & Bradstreet No. 079880847
- USFCR SAM Registration (July 2016) ◦ DUNN 079880847
- ◦MPIN TeleMed 15
Board of Directors:
- Kimberly R. Russell, MBA, SBB (ASCP) - Chairperson & Chief Executive Officer
- Anthony Hawkins, CPA - Director & Treasurer
- Jennifer Miller - Director
- Zia Uddin, PhD - Director
- George Shade, MD - Director
Editorial Committee - Monographs in Clinical Diagnosis
Managing Editor: Kimberly Russell, MBA, SBB (ASCP), MLS (ASCP)
Executive Editors: Kenneth Tucker, MD, George Shade, MD
Editor-in-Chief: Zia Uddin, PhD